Faith & Community
Faith & Community

Christian Community Service
Christian Community Service (CCS) in the Niagara Catholic District School Board enables students to show solidarity with people who are in need and who require assistance. It provides students with an opportunity to follow the teaching of Jesus Christ and puts into practice the social teaching of the Church.
Christian Community Service is a service one gives to the community. It is service spent on school and community projects, which could be of a cultural, humanitarian, athletic or fund-raising nature. The community could be a club, a parish, an organization, or a public institution. Students will be expected to select activities that meet the criteria as described below.
Guiding Principles for Christian Community Service:
- an event or activity designed to be of benefit to the community
- An event or activity to support a not-for-profit agency, institution or foundation that conforms to Catholic standards and does not conflict with Catholic values
- Any structured program that promotes tutoring, mentoring, visiting or coaching, or whose purpose is to assist others who require the benefit of that assistance
- Participation in global initiatives/projects that do not conflict with Catholic values
- Participation in an event or activity that promotes positive environmental awareness and action
- Participation in activities that promote the human rights and well-being of all groups in society, as long as the values of these groups are in harmony with Catholic teaching
- Participation in an event or activity affiliated with a club, religious organization, arts or cultural association or political organization that seeks a positive contribution to the community and is not in conflict with Catholic teaching
It is the policy of the Niagara Catholic District School Board that students complete a minimum of 10 hours of Christian Community Service and associated project(s) per year. Students in Grade 9-12 will select appropriate Christian Community Service activities in consultation with their parents/guardians. These activities will be completed during each year of secondary school as an essential component of the Religious Education program in order to fulfill the diploma requirement of 40 hours for graduation. The total of 40 hours of Christian Community Service would be a minimum expectation for all students.
Christian service is inspired by Jesus’ teaching and example, extended to those who are in need or who suffer in any way, and offered in the spirit of human solidarity that reflects Jesus’ statement that “whatever you do the least among you, you do it to me”. Being a good neighbour refers to the great teaching of Christ from the Gospel of Luke entitled “The Parable of the Good Samaritan”, where we are called to be a good neighbour and help those in need. It is clear from this source that service is directed towards those who need us most. Each student’s experience will address curriculum expectations and culminate by completing the assignment where reflection on their service is evaluated.
In consultation with their parents/guardians, students are responsible for selecting approved Christian Community Service activities. It is the responsibility of the student to complete all required documentation and submit them within the required timelines. It is advised that students make a duplicate/photocopy of all Christian Community Service forms before handing them in to their Religion teacher to avoid any discrepancies. For incoming grade nine students please keep in mind that hours served in the summer, prior to the first semester are eligible to be counted as Christian Community Service. Early involvement in Community Service helps students build a spirit of civic responsibility which can be expanded as they move through high school.
Parents/guardians are also encouraged to communicate with community sponsors and the school principal or Program Chair of Religion if they have any questions or concerns. A parent/guardian must sign the Notification of Planned Christian Community Service sheet and the Completion of Christian Community Service sheet, if the student is under eighteen years of age. We ask that neither a parent nor guardian sign to verify the hours.
Christian Community Service Form - Download PDF