Student Services
Student Services
- Department
- Advanced Placement
- Courses
- My Blueprint
- Make the Connection 211
- Future Grade 8s
- Grade 9s
- Grade 10s
- Grade 11s
- Grade 11 Cooperative Education
- Grade 12s & Graduation
- Ontario Scholars
- Tips For Financing Education
- Ontario Universities and Colleges
- 2024 - Graduation Assembly
- Useful Websites
- Steps to Plan Post Secondary
- Ontario Student Transcript Request Form
- OUAC/OCAS Assembly
- OCAS Timelines - 2024-25
- University Admissions - Quick Reference Guide
- Translation Guide for Students with Disabilities
- Application Checklist
- Grade 12 Highlights
- Grade 12 - Highlights & Timelines
- SHSM- Specialist High Skills Major
- Life & Career Planning
- Course Selection Overview
- Community Service
- 2024/25 - Important Dates
- SHSM- Specialist High Skills Major
- SHSM - Quick Overview

The designation of a student as an Ontario Scholar is outlined in the memorandum applied in the 2008-09 school year and in subsequent years.
- A student may be designated an Ontario Scholar if he or she satisfies both of the following requirements:
- He or she obtains an aggregate of at least 480 marks in any combination of ministry-approved courses listed below that provide a total of six credits, as defined by Ontario Secondary Schools, Grades 9 to 12: Program and Diploma Requirements, 1999 (OSS) and/or Ontario Schools, Intermediate and Senior Divisions (Grades 7–12/OACs): Program and Diploma Requirements, rev. ed., 1989 (OSIS).
- He or she has been recommended by the school principal for the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) in either the current school year or the previous school year.
- Any Grade 12 university preparation, university/college preparation, college preparation, workplace preparation, and/or open courses authorized under OSS, including locally developed courses approved by the ministry
- Cooperative education courses related to any of the above courses
- Dual credit courses in college-delivered dual credit programs approved by the ministry
- Any Ontario Academic Courses (OACs) authorized under OSIS
The following conditions will apply:
- A candidate’s mark in any course shall be multiplied by the credit value of the course.
- Where a student obtains more than six credits in any combination of Grade 12 university preparation courses, Grade 12 university/college preparation courses, Grade 12 college preparation courses, Grade 12 workplace preparation courses, Grade 12 open courses, dual credit courses, and/or OACs, the highest marks will be used.
- Standing in either English for English-language schools or English for French-language schools (i.e., anglais/English under OSIS, English for French-language schools under OSS) may be counted, but not both.
- Standing in either French as a second language or français may be counted, but not both.
- A student previously designated an Ontario Scholar is not eligible for a second award.
- A student need not complete the courses in one school year in order to be designated an Ontario Scholar.
- Standing obtained at a conservatory or school of music – as outlined in section 2 of Policy/Program Memorandum No. 133, “Music Certificates Accepted for Credits”, January 5, 2004; in section 2 of appendix 4 of OSS; or in section 2 of appendix C of OSIS – may be considered for the purposes of the Ontario Scholar award.
A student designated an Ontario Scholar will receive an Ontario Scholar certificate.